I think we dream so we don't have to be apart so long. If we're in each other's dreams, we can play together all night.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


well today i had a good day, other than the fact i feel sick, but i took a headache pill and the sickness is peeling off of me like an orange. oh and i really need to put a shirt on. random. i have homework to doo, but thats okay. i need grey nailpolish so bad i want to screammmmmm, oh and i put another look on look book, above so consider hyping it i don't know. oh and remember just because, you get accepted to lookbook, doesn't mean your cool! oh and stop buying nikon's someone PLEASEEEEE, its over doing it really. and i mean come on, its not SR photography, GMBNERIDFH photography, i mean your not a photographer your a rook, your annoying, and you need to stop copying everything you see little magpie. im so tiredddddd. but im hanging out with sully tomorrow most likely. so happy day happy day. happy thursday to you.

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