I think we dream so we don't have to be apart so long. If we're in each other's dreams, we can play together all night.

Monday, February 22, 2010

i really love you.

cocorosie, turned on by the man and sullivan. i am so tired and so bored. i really don't want to do my homeowork.
but like john wooden said (BECAUSE I SWEAR HE'S DEAD) if you put in nothing, nothing will come back to you. so i must, i repent, i must. tired as hell. and i have a really important test on friday i NEED to study for. life isn't fair. well today was good, im sure tomorrow will be much better. im currently video chatting with a guy who looks like a little fuzzy monkey. so cuteee. well its spring and im looking for my mate so lookout fuckers horny butch mecenzi is coming to town! kidding, but spring gets awful lonely when i have no one to share it with. aguhhhghghghghgh i am so tired! imbelieveable!

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