I think we dream so we don't have to be apart so long. If we're in each other's dreams, we can play together all night.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

so tired its driving me insane.

pshhh no.....maybe. wearing my candy cane stripped pajama's with my grey shirt, flared out bottoms. so comfy. credits to the grandma. really excited for next weekend. should be better than this current one. rest in peace julia siegler....but back to my blawgy blawg. the above shoes and jacket are amazing. like i could peel of my own skin i want them so bad. the boots and vest especially. i wantttttt RAWRRRRHHH ahahah. but yeah the white converse and shoes i really want so i can just jump around in them. so FRIENDS OH FRIENDS AND FAMILY the links are 1,2,3 so you know..... and well my birthday is in may. so get ready baby. well also i really want to mention that im going to be starting a charty type thing. im going to be opening my online store really soon, after i get some model pictures. so look foward to that. uhmmm...oh and have a fantastic evening. and an even better monday morning you super star.

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