I think we dream so we don't have to be apart so long. If we're in each other's dreams, we can play together all night.

Monday, February 1, 2010

circle of candy clusters in my butthole of fried chikin

today. today. today, i woke up and it was a good day, i bumped my grades up form f's to c's and all SSSS''s. so happy. i got along with everyone just good, felt like i fit in pretty well and i was just a little drousy. i forgot what it feels like to laugh so hard, well i was walking to the bus stop and along came kim and picked me up so i hightailed to callens and stayed there which was mucho grande bueno. what am i doing friday? i don't know. i honestly don't. but thats okay its only monday. and i don't care anyways. interviews are put on hold as i have to restart one with sullivan and Lea if your reading this im so sorry its taking me so longggg. but whatever its going to be okay. all i know right now is a i have a math test tomorrow or friday or thursday.....maybe wednesday. i have an english test on friday, i have a history test on wednesday and also a field trip on friday....... wow busy week full of joyyyy, wow and i did was i said i would do, i burned sage and sang in the shower, i am now in complete bliss so thankyou for putting your vibes out for me. i bought two things like and hour ago on etsy, they are this indian chief ring and a cartilage chain with little turquoise beads and feathers on the end, i literally have such a fatal attraction to native american stuff, i'd die to get my hands on a wolf shirt jesus there truly is something wrong with me i swear. and as usual i was trolling flickr and i found these pictures on this guys photostream, i forget his name but he's really good so i'll find out and put it in tomorrow. regardless i love you, have an amazing night, amazing dreams and an amazing week. your AMAZING. goodnight....just sayinn

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