I think we dream so we don't have to be apart so long. If we're in each other's dreams, we can play together all night.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

glock on my line up for OMG

today was an okay day, i had a good time at PE, i ran a mile in nine minutes and twenty seconds. i felt really fit as i pulled myself to the finish line before carina and the other kids. i wore tights to hide the fact that i was to lazy to actually shave my legs. ewh how gross is that, but regardless its okay because i will tonight, i promise. i really want to buy an old band t-shirt, and some more shorts because im tired of just wearing the same thing everyday pretty much. i want a hug and i want a gift card to star bucks from a random stranger. im thinking about getting a PO box so that random strangers can send me notes and presents in the mail. i really want to eat an apple a day i feel sickness creeping up on me like a fucking fox. my whole body aches and i really want daily naps. if not daily, weekly. all my homework is done and tomorrow i have lacrosse, the one thing that makes my week just practically full of sunshine, and im really looking foward to seeing my nicky baby boo tomorrow, because everyday he's just so cute and i love himm. well that was what happened today. just sayin i guess.

and p.s. im trying to get people to let me interview them, this one girl from look book, lea i think, and my friend sullivan i talked about, i already did one and im working on it bruh. so yeah byeee.

1 comment:

  1. interview, what what?

    i enjoy your disregard of sense making.
