I think we dream so we don't have to be apart so long. If we're in each other's dreams, we can play together all night.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


just watched dexter. i honestly can't tell you what draws me into this show. i've been watching for over a year and yet it still amazes me. the intimate murder, the sex scenes are not just "sexual" they really are looking into a more realistic aspect of relationships, and normal peoples lives. be your a murderer or be your a sad loveless sister, wife, daughter, son, we all have our needs. this week my favorite part in the whole episode was when arthur mitchell and his son, (whats his name) were sitting on the couch watching thanksgiving day football, when dexter gets anxious after promising (whats his name) to make sure his father doesn't harm him or his sister//mother, then dexter gets up and goes outside, meanwhile arthur highfives (whats his name) and then grabs his hand and breaks his pinky!!!!! god so suspensful even in the actual moment. i wish sometimes that i could be an actress on something like californication, or weeds, or even dexter. life would be so much more interesting. i guess making believe wouldn't just eliminate our problems, it would solve most things that aren't even problems. minor difficulties. well. yeah so this is getting a little awkward. bye.

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